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Apr '23
What are some movies that you can think of that are just completely ridiculous, have no redeeming qualities whatsoever, yet you watch them anyway, now and then, much like I am watching Weekend at Bernie's right now?

I'll start.
-- Weekend at Bernie's
-- Tammy and the T-Rex (Terry Keiser again! A two-fer)
-- Beerfest

Tommix says:
#9, Reply to #3

Apr '23
Freddy Got Fingered! GOOD ONE. That's a perfect example of a movie that glories in its own ridiculousness. I'm pretty sure Tom Green was trying to make a mockery of as many film conventions and traditions as he could think of. It's just supposed to be a total joke, from beginning to end.

Tommix says:
#17, Reply to #10

Apr '23
I didn't mean the movie would have to be BAD because it is ridiculous. It could still be enjoyable, maybe even a classic. Just that there are movies that don't even really try to make sense or be respectable, or possibly even revel, glory, and/or wallow in their sheer preposterousness. That takes a certain kind of guts to do. If it works, it's hilarious and amazing, but if it doesn't work it's just a total joke, and you look like an idiot for even trying it.

Tommix says:
#25, Reply to #24

Apr '23
I think The Amazing Bulk was what they called the imaginary comic book hero shown (an illustration) in Mallrats, meant to represent Willem, the Ethan Suplee character. Ethan was pretty enormous back then. I forget if it's shown in the opening or closing credits, but there is a little sequence where they show most of the main characters drawn as comic book heroes.


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