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Apr '23
What are some movies that you can think of that are just completely ridiculous, have no redeeming qualities whatsoever, yet you watch them anyway, now and then, much like I am watching Weekend at Bernie's right now?

I'll start.
-- Weekend at Bernie's
-- Tammy and the T-Rex (Terry Keiser again! A two-fer)
-- Beerfest


Apr '23 *
I don't think Weekend at Bernie's or Beerfest are bad at all either personally. Never seen Tammy and the T-Rex neither. Bad films that I like with no redeemable value at all eh?... I'd have to think on it but Freddy Got Fingered comes to mind. Bride of the Monster is another terrible film I love but most Ed Wood films probably belong on such a list.

#12, Reply to #9

Apr '23 *
Killer Klowns From Outer Space, The Thing with 2 Heads, Street Trash and The Human Centipede films belong in this conversation imo.

#5, Reply to #4

Apr '23
Hundreds and fifties or big ass titties?

#7, Reply to #6

Apr '23
Next Friday is definitely a bad film but has a few memorable quotes that I remember me and my friends throwing back at each other back in the day.

#11, Reply to #6

Apr '23
Was thinking about this and I gotta say... Friday After Next makes Next Friday seem like Citizen Kane.

#14, Reply to #13

Apr '23
After looking through my DVD collection I came up with the ones I added up above. You came up with a few good ones too. I also found Bubba Hotep which is an utterly ridiculous film I love as well as the others I listed like Street Trash. Looking through my action section of DVDs I came across Face Off which when thought about might be more ridiculous than all of the above imo. Nick Cage can sell anything.

#16, Reply to #15

Apr '23
Eh...it was the late 90s and John Woo was a hot action director at the time showing up in Hollywood after big international hits from Hong Kong like Hard Boiled and The Killer. Some of the things like their voices were explained in the film but yeah it's an utterly ridiculous premise which is why I brought it up.


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