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Jan '19 *
The idea has been brewing in my head for some time. Has anyone ever had their own ideas about getting involved in something like this before? Curious to know. Obviously the main hurdle for most people is cash. No one really has vast sums of money lying around to invest (throwaway?) on a project like this but I think I could get some cash together if I really wanted to do this (and could persuade family members that I am not completely insane). Not a lot of cash, but enough for a micro-budget I reckon. I may even consider selling the house and downshifting to a smaller place if it ever came to it and the passion was totally in control of me, but I have a family and that is obviously a huge risk (and the wife would be extremely pissed). But if I found a script that was good enough, why not gamble? Trouble is, where do you go to find that magic script. There are literally 1000s out there, some with original ideas, some with not so original ideas but probably decent enough. But "decent" would not cut it. As for actually filming it, and getting it made.. it's obviously a hugely competitive market but if you did get lucky, as we know, the financial rewards could be substantial. Hell, if you made 0.5% of what Paranormal Activity or The Blair Witch Project made, you'd probably be content and consider it to be a successful venture. Maybe I am being hugely naive, but I think I know enough about horror and have seen enough horror movies to know what works and what doesn't. And then it's all in the marketing, how to get people interested, and that's where most of the costs are incurred.. trying to get it into festivals, etc.

The other thing for me personally, is that I write music and would love to do a score for any movie but getting your foot in the door is extremely difficult. By financing my own movie, I would obviously have that opportunity.

What do you guys reckon? Should I take the gamble or should I stop being so fucking naive and stick with a day job and care about your family needs first, etc.? And where would I go to find scripts?! Just ask around the horror community I guess.. I'd probably get a bunch of crap, or stuff that is way too hard to film with a micro-budget, but there might be something that crops up..

Johan_WoW says:

Jan '19
Well Bryan already did some wise suggestions not to take too many risks. It would be cool if you teamed up with Box as a script writer.
I have been writing myself in the past, not scripts but stories mostly fantasy. I still have ideas for horror movies but to actually write something down I don't get down to do it always finding something else to do instead.


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