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Tommix says:

Nov '18
i have to ask, do you mean the most beautiful girl/woman right now, in 2018? Or could it be in the relatively recent past, or just including babes from any movies that people still watch...? Anyway, I'll just put in a vote for the Brazilian babe Debora Nascimento from the 2008 Ed Norton Hulk movie, because, damn.

Tommix says:
#27, Reply to #17

Nov '18
is she super famous? I don't recognize her, who is she?

Tommix says:
#30, Reply to #28

Nov '18
Aha! OK, I recognize her now. Yeah, she's pretty adorable. I guess I still picture her as she looked in Zombieland. She has done a lot of other stuff since then. My bad.

Tommix says:

Nov '18
Someone needs to mention Liana Brackett, the Weather Channel meteorologist. She doesn't necessarily look that great in still photos, but I think she looks amazing when you see her walking around. Apparently she did ballet dancing for a long time, maybe that explains it. There's just something really striking about her appearance... when she talks, you realize immediately that she's a pretty normal, regular, nice person who just wants to help people understand the weather, but I rememebr the first time I was channel surfing and saw her standing there, and I was just like WOW. I don't know what I expected her to sound like... some kind of magical science fiction super warrior princess, probably... anyway, it was just a surprise to me when she sounded like a normal human being. So, yeah, a vote for her.

Tommix says:

Dec '18
I'll put in a vote for Alexis Ren!


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