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Sep '19
I'm not sure if anyone here has seen any of the AHS seasons, but I am a huge fan of this show! Most seasons are really good, my least favorite would have to be Roanoke. Anyways, whenever they announced that season 9 was going to be an 80's slasher theme I was totally excited! 80's slasher movies are one of my favorites!

@Pick & I were able to watch the first episode on Thursday and I was really impressed. The acting was cute & cheesy like a normal 80's slasher. I think they have a pretty good cast this season, although I do miss Sarah Paulson & Evan Peters, but I totally understand why they both needed to take a break.

I am looking forward to see how the rest of the season goes. A lot of people are saying they get the Friday the 13th vibes, and I see it too, but whenever I first saw the trailer I got Sleepaway Camp vibes! So I am excited to see what twists this season will have!

Any thoughts? Anyone else love this show as much as I do? I'd love to hear!


Sep '19
Iโ€™m really digging the vibe of this season. Even the acting is a overdone, just like in the 80s. Judging from what Iโ€™ve seen so far itโ€™s going to be a fun season to watch.


@ am
You have reached the end of Trash Epics.