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Feb '17 *
So 1978 is my answer every time someone asks what is the best single year in horror. I don't think it is even close really. Not only does it have 2 juggernauts one of which is my favorite horror film of all time it has several excellent to solid films as well.

Dawn of the Dead
Grapes of Death
Long Weekend
I Spit on Your Grave
Toolbox Murders
Invasion of the Body Snatchers
Blue Sunshine
The Fury
Mountain of the Cannibal God
Jaws 2
Damien: Omen II
Killer's Moon
Someone's Watching Me! 
Eyes of Laura Mars

What is your favorite and if you could list the films from that year you like?

jimb14red says:
#2, Reply to #1

Feb '17
Not sure what I would consider my 2nd favorite year but after looking at what you have down for 1981 it may be it.

jimb14red says:
#6, Reply to #5

Feb '17 *
Is MArtin back to 1978 again? That keeps changing. Yeah makes that year that much stronger.

jimb14red says:
#9, Reply to #8

Feb '17
What do you got from 72 and 73?

jimb14red says:
#11, Reply to #10

Feb '17 *
Why are you excluding those films? Some of them are way better than movies in your list. Some solid stuff in there for sure. But it is not as good as 1978 for me. It will be interesting to check out the rest of the 70's as I am not sure that 1972 would even be one of the better years in the 70's. At least for my tastes.

Also stats wise. What would you consider better. Not saying this is where they fall in that particular list but what would you consider better in general terms? Having 6 movies fall in the top 50 of a top 500 list or 16 all falling into 100 through 500 of that list?

jimb14red says:
#13, Reply to #12

Feb '17
I like 1976. Lots from your list I like plus some others you didn't mention. The Tenant, Assualt! Jack the Ripper, People Who Own the Dark, Grizzly, Eaten Alive, and Schizo

jimb14red says:
#18, Reply to #17

Feb '17 *
With a name like that shouldn't you at least have one post here. https://trashepics.com/tedb/board.php?media=1978

jimb14red says:
#24, Reply to #23

Feb '17
Yeah, I can't argue that.


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