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Jun '21
I watched a Twilight Zone twofer with "To Serve Man", a classic episode with big-headed aliens, Richard Kiel, and double meanings... and then the Frisby episode, which is one of my favorites.

Twilight Zone was known to dabble in different genres, and this is definitely a comedic effort. Frisby claims to have done it all, and every time he's called out on a contradiction, he has an excuse or an amendment to the story. Reminds me of a guy I know... but I think his nicknames are what makes it. Archmedes Frisby, Cumulus Frisby, Stonewall Frisby, and of course... Rear Engine Frisby.

Frisby did (not) lead an eventful life.

Amon_101 says:

Jun '21
I know that guy, too. Worked with him for about ten years.


@ am
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