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Oh God, yes!
Yeah, they're alright
Those other guys!(?)
Generally not
Comics can eat my ass!

12 votes


May '16
I hate comics. I hate comic movies. I generally don't like people who like comics but I have met deep and intelligent people who like DC/Vertigo and indie shit. I just think I hate Heroes and superheroes in general.

#6, Reply to #3

May '16
The Punisher is cool, I read it when I was younger. I still have those issues at my house. I was really excited for the Dolph Lundgren punisher movie in 1989 and it was bad, I hated the 2004 Punisher, I thought War Zone was ok. I think The Purge Anarchy was closer to a Punisher movie. I heard that the Punisher on the Daredevil TV show is really good.

This is nit picky but taking serious actors or actresses that play in serious roles and throwing them in a SuperHero movie is crossing the line. I can't look at someone the same way if they play in a "super hero in tights" film.


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