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A boot-shaped country in Europe filled with spaghetti and meatballs.

Italy is one of the world's largest trash capitals, producing a slew of sleazy exploitation classics throughout the 1960s and 1980s. The country started with spaghetti westerns and giallo films in the 60s, and graduated to cannibal, zombie, and rape films in the 70s.

Like many countries, Italy would often rename foreign film titles for domestic distribution. "Dawn of the Dead" (1978) was re-edited and re-titled "Zombi", followed by an unofficial sequel "Zombi 2" (1979), aka "Zombie" or "Zombie Flesh Eaters". Zombi 2 was followed by "Zombi 3", which is really just Zombie Flesh Eaters Part 2. It gets confusing, and a lot of these films are rehashes of popular American films from the same era.

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