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May '14 *

The 90's was an awkward time for Horror. The first few years, especially. Attempts at originality had about the same effect on the audience as uncalled for sequels to 80's franchises that had already ran their course. For one reason or another, the Horror genre had once again fallen dormant. But there was one Horror masterpiece that would come out of the 90's which would transcend the decade, as well as breath new life into the genre. Jason Goes To Hell is not that movie!

While technically, this film is Friday The 13th part IX, offically, the series was over due to copyright issues. This as the beginning of a new series. Even in the 90's, Jason must live on. Original creator Sean Cunningham returns to give us F-13 fans something a little different. And why not? It's a new decade. The way of the 80's slasher is old and tired. Everyone knew that in 1993. So, something different is definitely in order. But this? Come on! Really?

image Last time we saw our hero, Jason Voorhees was in Manhattan, practically killing anyone he could get his hands on. Does anyone know how long ago that was? Or what he's been up to since? And most importantly, why he's still alive? No? Well, so far, it feels like a genuine Friday tThe 13th movie. And besides, these minor details don't matter much since Jason just got blown up by the F.B.I. And we're not even 10 minutes in! No. This is no typical F-13. This time, they're thinking outside the box. And maybe that would be a good thing if they hadn't just blown up the only reason anyone wanted to see this abomination in the first place.

image So, yeah. Jason's dead for realz, this time. As his remains get examined in the morgue, something strange is happening to the examining doctor. Something evil, which can be seen in his face. What we are now seeing is one more example of the fact that our hero, Jason Voorhees can never be stopped. Even after death, even after getting blown to pieces, he still keeps coming back. But without a body of his own, he has willed his own soul into the body of this doctor. You can tell because he just took a big bite out of Jason's heart, which made sparkly stuff (Jason's soul) invade his body. So, Jason's back. Just in another form. Clever, right?

Something we never knew about Jason. When necessary, he can simply make his soul jump from body to body. So, he never really dies. 9 movies and somehow, this is just now becoming clear? Well, whatever. There is a catch. Even if nobody kills him again, he only has a limited amount of time in each body. So, he's gonna do his killing and spare a few here and there so, he can transfer his sparkly soul into new bodies. Eventually, the origin of Jason's alleged immortality is explained, which leads to more plot holes than ever.

image These movies actually made some sense before now. But no longer. Jason has a sister, a niece and a great niece, and for him to finally be ressurrected as a guy wearing a hockey mask, he must make one of their bodies his own. Hopefully, someone can get a hold of the Voorhees dagger. Because apparently, stabbing him with that is the one and only thing that will send Jason to Hell and keep him there. But of course it has to be someone who is related to him. Something tells me all those F-13 fans who wanted something different are feeling pretty silly right about now.

But not quite as silly as the person who's idea it was to add this new take on Jason. Not a bad idea. Just not for an already established series such as this. It just doesn't make sense on a completely different level than anything from past entries. And not to mention this weird new take only allowed about 10 minutes of screen time for Kane Hodder. That's what really killed this one. in my opinion. Maybe such major changes would have been a little easier digested had they been allowed to call it "Friday The 13th Part IX: Jason Goe To Hell". It really is a shame they couldn't have. Would it have really mattered in the end? Doubtful. This one just wasn't meant to be. Jason Goes To Hell may have meant to breath new life into this series. But ultimately, it sent Friday The 13th straight to hell. 4/10


Box_a_Hair says:

May '14
Sorry to hear that you have such low opinions of it, but I think Jason Goes to Hell is a blast. Much better than the space adventure that followed after.

You mentioned the Voorhees dagger, which prompts a lot of speculation and crossover talk, since it's actually the Kandarian Dagger from the Evil Dead series. Hell, the Necronomicon is even in his house too, and it's little things like this that helped spawn the great Freddy vs. Jason vs. Ash comic. I was always fascinated by the idea that Jason's powers were derived from the book of the dead, and that he's almost a half deadite in that sense.

Still, I really enjoy this movie through and through. The kills are awesome, the melting man, the shaving scene, the Jason burgers...

Tromafreak says:
#7, Reply to #1

May '14
My opinion isn't THAT low. I still enjoyed it, but like most Horror fans, don't see it as a worthy entry in the series. But like I said, it's flaws and differences probably woulda been accepted by more people if it had it's rightful title. It's easy to say it's not a real F-13 when it's not even called F-13.

Shaza123 says:

May '14
Fantatsic review, Troma, very entertaining.

Yeah, this one really doesn't feel like a Friday the 13th movie, moreso like a shoddy The Hidden rip off. What's the point of Jason even having that rotted and worn body if he could use a new one?

I did like the black guy that was hunting Freddy, and of course the iconic ending, but I was pretty nonplussed with this one myself.

Tromafreak says:
#8, Reply to #2

Mar '17
The black guy should have been Corey Feldman.

Mar '17
Comment Deleted

#10, Reply to #2

Mar '17 *
The Hidden comparison is good. Sometimes they put these series in the hands of people who don't really even like them, and end up trying to turn them into something completely different.

I get the feeling the people making this didn't really want to make a Friday film, so they took the movie or script they wanted to make and sort of shoehorned it into the world of Friday the 13th. There's a YouTube video about the history of the series after Paramount stopped making the movies that was pretty amusing. Cunningham made a guy who was just out of college and had no experience the director and put him in charge of Friday Part 9, and I think it shows. Even by the standards of the Friday series, the script and filmmaking were pretty weak.

They couldn't even spell Jason's last name right! Vorhees.


slasherfan85 says:

May '14
Great Review!
I think this my least favorite of the Friday the 13th series either this or the remake. Of course, I haven't seen Jason X in ages I might watch that sometime since it has been so long.

Tromafreak says:
#5, Reply to #3

May '14
Despite not being much of an F-13, I'll always prefer this one over the remake. Actually, I'd prefer a trip to the fuckin' dentist over the remake. emoticon Strangely, Jason X is a fitting, if not epic end to the original series, imo. It's a ridiculous idea, but it's entertaining and has everything an F-13 film needs.

Ballz says:

May '14 *
I feel like Jason Goes to Hell is just a fun movie overall. I'd even go as far as calling it underrated. It has some great kills, at least if you're watching the uncut version, and while the plot is pretty out there for a movie that's part of one the biggest slasher series ever, I've always been able to get into it.

I actually avoided seeing this for a long time because of the hate I always see it getting, but I'm glad I did finally see it. Personally, I like it way more than Friday the 13th Part VII: The New Blood, Jason X, or the remake. Sometimes a series that starts getting stale, as this one was around the time parts 7 and 8 came out, just needs something new and this was that something new. Sometimes that approach works, sometimes it doesn't. I'd say it did here.

I do think the little screen time Jason gets is kind of disappointing, but suppose that then, this would just be another typical Friday the 13th movie.

Tromafreak says:
#11, Reply to #4

Mar '17
I liked when those 2 people fucking in the tent got killed. Possibly the best combinations of fucking and killing in the whole series.

Tromafreak says:
#12, Reply to #4

Mar '17
I liked when those 2 people fucking in the tent got killed. Possibly the best combinations of fucking and killing in the whole series.

Ballz says:
#14, Reply to #12

Mar '17
I think you're right there. The spear kill in 2 also comes to mind, but the tent kill tops that for me.


May '14 *
This was the first Ft13th flick I saw when it was first released (in video stores that is, not theatres). I'd caught up on all the others beforehand and was pretty stoked to grab this as soon as it hit the new release shelf of my local Video Ezy. So, good vibes helped me look past its flaws and I enjoyed it quite a bit.

It's a real shame that the new spin/twist is so utterly stupid, because otherwise it does a lot right. The nudity and kills are plentiful and sleazily handled. Gore effects are some of the best in the series. It's got a really nasty feel to it too. Compared to the cheesy fun of some previous entries, this is one mean-ass motherfucker. If it had kept all the good stuff, ditched the body-swapping silliness and just stuck to the Jason formula, it'd probably be a fan favourite.

Having said that, I still think it's one of the best Friday flicks. Maybe for nostalgic reasons. Maybe because I enjoy when movies take off-the-wall directions that make no sense. Or maybe just because I have shit taste. Either way, I rather like it.

Tromafreak says:
#15, Reply to #6

Mar '17
It's true. Ditching a couple things and sticking to what works could have easily made this the best of the entire series.

BloodWank says:

Mar '17
I'm pretty much with Ninja on this one, I think its solid. Ludicrous, but fast, gruesome and exciting. A fun film of its time, I take it in sort of the same spirit as Hellraiser 3, Warlock: The Armageddon, Children of the Corn 3: Urban Harvest and Sleepwalkers. Helps massively that it's actually available uncut, I find most of the other F13 sequels too frustrating to return to.

Tommix says:

Oct '23 *
Holy cow, Troma, your review is from 2014. That's one of the earliest reviews I can remember seeing here. Box, when did you start this site??? Anyway, Troma, awesome review. emoticon

I just saw this movie again today, for the first time in years. In some ways I can actually get into it, but I agree with what you say about its dearth of screen time for Kane Hodder, and the general confusingness and senselesssness of the whole thing. The Wikipedia article about it makes it sound like it got re-written multiple times, in a very hurried and cursory way each time. Some of the actors involved do a perfectly solid job with what they are given, but the whole thing feels like they just stole ideas from various other franchises and randomly stitched them together.

The part about Jason (or his soul, or whatever) going after his half-sister and her daughter is just a blatant rip-off of the Halloween franchise, at least Halloween 2, 4, and 5. Especially 4 and 5, I guess. Also, apparently the movie was originally conceived as a Jason vs. Freddy Krueger movie, and of course we see a quick glimpse of that idea right at the end.

I also feel like the whole movie is just way too derivative of other franchises, both horror and sci-fi. The scene with Jason taking on the whole police station, and that scene where Creighton Duke tries to explain to Jessica that Jason won't rest until he has her baby, are almost painfully Terminator-esque. I guess you could say they are partly inspired by Assault on Precinct 13, but.... nah, they are just Terminator rip-offs.

I was also reminded of Trancers, a little, in the diner scenes. I could be reading too much into things there, but that thought did cross my mind.

Supposedly the writer denied being influnced by The Hidden, but, I mean, Jesus, come on. It was totally Hidden-esque. Bigtime. Hugetime. I guess it is possible that the writer had not actually seen The Hidden, but had gone to a party in the 80s and gotten drunk, and drunkenly hung out with some people who were talking about The Hidden, and he didn't really remember clearly what movie he had had a conversation about, and ended up thinking the ideas were really his own. I am being way too charitable there, but having said that, things like that really can happen, so, who knows.

The Evil Dead connections are very explicit, and unequivocal. They weren't just making a little nod to that franchise, it looked like they were seriously trying to tie the F13 and Evil Dead franchises together permanently.

Anyway, I don't know what the hell I'm trying to say here. I guess just that the writers didn't really know what they were doing, and just got ideas from wherever they could, and cobbled a movie together from them all.

Having said all that... I still kind of like the movie. The scene where the coroner eats the heart is AMAZING, it always cracks me up. Then there are a few minutes where the movie appears to be shaping up to be a battle between two big black guys, which I'm fairly sure no one in 1993 was expecting when they went to see a F13 movie. So, that was kind of funny. It is also entertaining to see the guy from the TV show Friday the 13th, John D. LeMay, in an actual F13 movie. Also, Steven Culp looks so much like Bobby Kennedy, it is just entertaining to see a Jason-ified Bobby Kennedy.

Was anyone else reminded of other 80s or early 90s franchises when you watched this movie? I think I'm forgetting to mention something. Maybe Night of the Living Dead, a little, just in the way they put dark eye make-up under Steven Culp's eyes to make him look undead, or dead, or Jason-ified, or whatever we should call his status after Jason possesses him.

Tromafreak says:
#18, Reply to #16

Oct '23
The whole thing ultimately comes off like they wanted to do anything besides what the series was before this point. That's my beef with it, as is many people's, I take it. I believe Cuntingham was really pushing to get rid of the hockey mask all together. But new decade, new title, so, yeah. They needed to do something to freshen things up. Nobody would deny that, but there's something really intelligence insulting about it all. As if we don't remember how things were in the last movie, or the last few movies. They're telling us "No, this is how it REALLY is. In fact, it always was like this"

It's a mysterious movie. With the new direction, it immediately feels like we missed something important. Like there is a lost part IX out there somewhere that could link Jason Takes Manhattan to Jason Goes To Hell. Always wondered how he came back to life again and continued his reign of terror in Camp Crystal Lake, but we're not supposed to wonder. We're supposed to accept how things are in 1993 and forget about how things really were, and just remember it all as "a bunch of shit that happened". The least they could have done was bring back Corey Feldman and have him being the guy helping out who ultimatelt gets himself killed instead of introducing the new character of Duke as if he's somebody.


Oct '23
I'm in the middle of a binge watch of F13th. Started with the original like 5 hrs ago and I'm midway thru The Final Chapter. They continue till tomorrow morning but I don't think I have the stamina to go the distance.

Tromafreak says:
#19, Reply to #17

Oct '23 *
Been watching these movies too for the challenge. No way I got the patience for all of them. I find the second one especially tedious.

#20, Reply to #19

Oct '23
That's funny cause I actually like Burlap Sack Jason. I've often stated so here and on the HB in the past. It's probably a nostalgia thing from when I was a kid but I really like the 1st 4 entries a lot more than the rest. A little into A New Beginning now!


@ am
You have reached the end of Trash Epics.