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markus-san says:

Sep '22 *
Pretty decent track from Ozzy there. How is the new album?

You might, should, enjoy these:




You won't enjoy this so much but one of the best hip-hop tracks of the year:


Tromafreak says:
#5, Reply to #1

Sep '22 *
Yeah, that's some good stuff there. Especially the first one. Haven't heard any good Crust in a while. And the Rap ain't terrible.

The new Ozzy album is amazing. The one he came out with a couple years ago blew away pretty much eveything he's done in the last 25 years, imo, but this one is somehow significantly better. If this is his last hurrah, what a way to go out!

NoseOfNicko says:
#8, Reply to #5

Sep '22
Went ahead and bought the Ozzy album. It's pretty good.

NoseOfNicko says:
#12, Reply to #5

Sep '22 *
I ended up liking it so much that I blind-bought Ordinary Man. Under the Graveyard is a great song.

Edit: I really like that album too. Except It's a Raid.

Tromafreak says:
#14, Reply to #12

Sep '22
Yeah, they got some good ones on Ordinary Man too, but also wasn't feeling It's A Raid, along with Scary Little Green Men and Eat Me. All pretty dumb I thought. Despite mostly sounding like a bunch of tracks begging for radio play, still lots of good, catchy stuff on there, but this new one is more consistent and appeals to long time fans much more as there's something for everyone regardless of which era you prefer.

NoseOfNicko says:

Sep '22 *

Znep27 says:

Sep '22

NoseOfNicko says:
#4, Reply to #3

Sep '22 *
Fab band. Nonagon Infinity is one of my favorite albums of all time. Extremely addictive album.

Znep27 says:
#7, Reply to #4

Sep '22
Yes, I've been addicted to them for a few years now. How they manage to release albums so frequently, and for them to all be so high quality, yet so different from one another, it almost seems supernatural.

NoseOfNicko says:
#9, Reply to #7

Sep '22 *
They've made albums in so many styles. I hope they do a hip-hop album at some point. The hip-hop style songs on Omnium Gatherum were pretty cool imo.

Tromafreak says:

Sep '22



Tromafreak says:

Sep '22
For some reason, it took me until 2022 to realize what a great band Iron Maiden is. Picked up their 2015 album the other day and it was shockingly great. Anyone have a suggestion on where to go from there? One of their really early ones, I take it?


NoseOfNicko says:
#11, Reply to #10

Sep '22 *
Is it the more progressive style you like about Book of Souls? If so I'd recommend their 2006 album A Matter of Life and Death. Out of their classics, I'd start with Powerslave.

Tromafreak says:
#13, Reply to #11

Sep '22
Thanks. Both of those sound pretty beloved. Next time, I'll go for one or the other.

zed says:
#15, Reply to #13

Sep '22
Of their recent stuff I like A Matter of Life and Death best
TOP tier = The Number of the Beast
Next = Seventh Son of a Seventh Son
Then = Iron Maiden, Killers, Piece of Mind, Powerslave, Somewhere in Time

markus-san says:
#17, Reply to #15

Sep '22
You can't really go wrong with any of their first 7 albums.

I'd add Brave New World to the list too.

zed says:
#18, Reply to #17

Sep '22 *
Yeah thats a good album also, esp after the blaze albums before it. Not knocking the guy, its just the songs on the albums were shit.

Just listening first album, beautiful, what a way to announce yourself to the world.
Dualing melodic guitars, galloping bass, its all there.
Running Free used to be one of my favorite songs as a kid. Shades of thin lizzy

#48, Reply to #10

Jan '23
Never really looked at this thread til now. Actually quite surprised you never listened to a lot of these metal bands you being the big Sabbath fan. I was a big metalhead in my teens in the mid 80s, long hair with the painted Maiden Killers denim jacket and all. At the time Metallica was the new, when Ride the Lightning came out we all discovered Kill Em All and eagerly awaited the release of Master of Puppets. It's too bad they sold out after And Justice For All. Everything after was terrible imo including Black, never were the same since...fn kunts.

Tromafreak says:
#49, Reply to #48

Jan '23
I've always been more into the lesser-known Metal subgenres like Doom/Death/Black/Prog/Power/Groove/Thrash, and found traditional Heavy Metal a bit ordinary, and for the most part, always identified the 80's strictly with Hair Metal, but I'm fnding out there was a lot of quality stuff too. Maiden is pretty great, although it kinda has that "you heard one song, you've heard them all" sound to it. My Metal knowledge is pretty diverse but I've probably heard no more than 1 or 2 Metallica albums. They seem to be one of those bands you either love or hate, nowadays.

#51, Reply to #49

Jan '23
Metallica died for me when Cliff Burton died. Every single track on Kill Em All, Ride the Lightning and Master of Puppets is great imo. They were so metal in those days they fought with their record company cause they refused to make music videos at the height of MTV's popularity...they said they didn't need to and they were right.


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You have reached the end of Trash Epics.