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Sep '21
I would like some recommendations for the october challenge. There is a few subgenres I haven't dug in that deep yet. So I'm thinking in the direction of vampires and werewolves (preferably pre the Underworld era). Frankenstein like movies or other body horror flicks would be fine too.

Tromafreak says:

Sep '21
By "vampires and werewolves" I assume you mean movies including both and not one or the other, right? If so, can't help ya.

Johan_WoW says:
#2, Reply to #1

Sep '21 *
Oh no it should have been movies about vampires OR werewolves. Putting them together would be like Underworld which I don't like. I mean that's basically Romeo and Julia, West Side Story etc.

Tromafreak says:
#4, Reply to #2

Sep '21 *
Not a fan of werewolf movies, but American Werewolf In London, Ginger Snaps, Werewolves On Wheels and The Rats Are Coming! The Werewolves Are here! is pretty much where my interest begins and ends.

Love vampire movies. There's the Hammer Dracula films which I would not recommend, but you still might like. The Dark Shadows movie, House Of Dark Shadows, which is like a far more interesting version of a Hammer film, imo.

Mario Bava's Planet Of The Vampires (1967), George Romero's Martin (1977), Josรฉ Ramรณn Larraz's Vampyres (1974), Leif Jonker's Darkness (1993), Andy Warhol's Dracula (1974), Jess Franco's Vampyros Lesbos (1971) and Female Vampire (1971), Blacula (1972), Daughters Of Darkness (1971), Valerie And Her Week Of Wonders (1970), Salem's Lot (1979), The Blood-Spattered Bride (1972), Count Dracula's Great Love (1973), Blood Of The Tribades (2016)

The films of Jean Rollin are great, like Reuiem For A Vampire, Shiver Of The Vampires, The Rape Of The Vampire, Lips Of Blood. Classy stuff.

Johan_WoW says:
#5, Reply to #4

Sep '21
Thx it seems that I have seen more vampire movies than I thought actually. I think I have seen all of Rollin's horror but I'm not such a fan of the ones you mention. I think his best are Fascination, the Living Dead Girl and Zombie Lake (which I all own), super trashy but I love those kind of movies. I liked Demoniacs too and to a lesser extend the Poisoned Grapes or something along these lines which I both ordered in the past but they never arrived.

I already expressed my dislike for movies like Martin a few times. those are the kind of movies that actually turn me away from the genre. Valerie is a tad bit more interesting but I really can't do much with that story if there actually is one, give me Company of Wolves over it any day.

However there is a few ones you mention that I have not seen and will put on my list. Yeah I'll even give the Hammer ones a shot but no way I'll watch that 1958 flick again, I found that really boring.


Sep '21
Check out Wolfen, it was overshadowed by An American Werewolf in London and The Howling which all came out the same year.

Johan_WoW says:
#6, Reply to #3

Sep '21
Thx I can understand why American Werewolf was/is popular but it's more of a dramatical romance with some weird comical undertone than horror to me. The Howling got some kind of sem-classic status but feels more like bad taste cult flick, which had been done better before and after.

jimb14red says:

Sep '21
A few lesser known or talked about vampire ones. Also a couple which are not your typical Vampire movies.

Thirst (1979)
Vampire Circus
Kiss of the Damned
The Hamiltons


Bad Moon
The Company of Wolves
Late Phases
Night of the Werewolf
Project Metalbeast
The Beast Must Die

For both:

Werewolf vs the Vampire Woman

Johan_WoW says:
#8, Reply to #7

Sep '21
Thx Jim, a lot of these are unseen and can go on my watchlist.


@ am
You have reached the end of Trash Epics.