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Oxygen (2021)

by Ballz

May '21 *
For the most part, I like Alexandre Aja's movies despite the handful of remakes he did early on in his career. I'm one of those people who still groans at the mention of yet another remake, but I occasionally enjoy them. That includes Aja's remakes even though the most memorable aspect about them tends to be the gore.

When I heard there was going to be a new Aja movie on Netflix, I was looking forward to watching it. I was a little disappointed to discover it wouldn't be a horror movie, but I was still optimistic.

The premise for Oxygen is fairly simple: a woman wakes up in a cryogenic chamber and can't remember who she is or how she got there. She can't open the door and her only contact with the outside world is through phone calls the cryo chamber's built-in, talking computer can make for her. The reason she woke up is because the chamber is running low on oxygen and it's steadily getting lower. The chamber is small and it's a movie meant to feel claustrophobic.

While I never really found myself bored with Oxygen despite the slow pace, it'll probably be a long time before I feel any urge to watch it again. Some of the details the main character learns about herself and the situation she's in are mildly interesting, but by the end, I mostly felt indifferent about the whole thing.

On the subject of Aja and remakes, Oxygen reminded me of Buried, where Ryan Reynolds is buried in a box and his only contact with the outside world is through a cell phone. Does that mean Oxygen is a remake or rip off of Buried? Maybe, but it wouldn't surprise me if other movies had a similar concept before Buried.

Rating: 5/10 4/10. The more I think about this movie, the less I like it.

Box_a_Hair says:

May '21
The premise immediately made me think of Buried. Aja used to be exclusive to remakes, but then he realized that people fucking HATE remakes, so what's a guy without originality supposed to do? Same thing he did with High Tension: Make a remake that's different enought that people aren't sure it's a remake.

Without remakes to have the story already laid out for him, he doesn't seem to have any great ideas of his own to utilize. Remember Crawl? Alligators + Flooding, which was okay, but still pretty stupid and forgettable overall. Oxygen sounds no better. In fact, it seems like something that offers very little in the action department. Claustrophobia is for pussies.

I really don't give a shit about Aja these days.

Ballz says:
#2, Reply to #1

May '21
I've already forgotten a lot of Crawl. Another forgettable Aja movie: Mirrors. I just rewatched it for the first time. And that one's a remake, but there's nothing going on in it that I care about. The only scene I remembered at all from my first viewing over a decade ago was the bathtub scene.

I should probably stop giving a shit about Aja too. He certainly seems to have stopped giving a shit. I'll always like High Tension though.

Box_a_Hair says:
#3, Reply to #2

May '21
Mirrors sucked. Mirrors in horror have a lot of potential for creepy shit, but a whole movie about them, featuring Jack Bauer? Garbage. And somehow, that one got a sequel.

markus-san says:
#4, Reply to #1

May '21
Claustrophobia is for pussies.

The ending of the original The Vanishing is not for pussies. It was genuinely terrifying when I first saw it.

Box_a_Hair says:
#6, Reply to #4

May '21
I've only seen the remake of Vanishing, which was okay at best. Don't get me wrong, I'd panic in an actual confined situation, but for some reason, it doesn't hit me that hard when I watch it in movies. Not like being stuck underwater like I mentioned in that Alien thread.

markus-san says:
#8, Reply to #6

May '21
I've only seen the remake of Vanishing, which was okay at best.

So in the remake after being buried alive, he gets rescued. In the original he doesn't - The end. Gotta love Hollywood remakes!

markus-san says:

May '21
I liked it a bit more than you, but I can understand your complaints with the movie. It too reminded me of Buried in space. Not a movie I think I would bother to watch again, although I've always liked Melanie Laurent since Inglourious Basterds. She's very, ahem, "watchable".

Ballz says:
#7, Reply to #5

May '21
Don't believe I've seen her in anything besides this and Inglourious Basterds, but I agree, she's one part of the movie I can't complain about.


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