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Mar '19
As some here may know I'm living with a girl in Barcelona, i have been since Christmas.
Needless to say moving here from nz was a bit of a jump, though not the first time I've made such a leap.
Anyways this concerns me and the gf.
Now it hasn't been going the best between us for a while, even back in nz i had my doubts about her, i even wrote a long post to one of her friends ultimately asking him if she was taking any medication, as she would go from happy to super angry, upset over literally the smallest unimportant things. I.e was she bi polar? Is this crazy behaviour she does just normal for her? I had never seen anything like this before. Though after sending it with WhatsApp to him i decided to delete it a couple of hours later before he read it. Ok so i did come here thinking perhaps she we be a bit more sane when I'm actually there, hmmmm :) haha yeah right that was gonna work

Arriving here i quickly came to the realization she's not actually a nice person at all, not just not nice, she can be a downright asshole talking about about people she has never met, if i try to defend these people then i open myself for attack also. ‘Zed how can you not see this, why are you not agreeing with me’ etc, ultimately i have to agree with whatever the subject is cause that's the only way to stop her talking about a subject incessantly. I'm not exaggerating i think the subject is closed and thank God for that, and then an hour later, out comes her abuse of whatever the subject is again. So tiring. Over and over again, I've never experienced anyone who behaves like this before, eye opening to me. And then there's the attacks on me personally, seems whatever i do it's just wrong, such a negative person i have never met. She wonders why sometimes i don't mention things to her? God sometimes I'm almost afraid to mention anything for dear of awakening her criticism, she complains about her mum doing this to her, but apparently she is totally unaware that's exactly how she behaves to me. She has a complex about her mum’s behaviour and from what she has told me about her mum, that's warranted. The thing is, perhaps that's true, but perhaps that's not true, but now i know her far better i have no idea what to believe, she speaks total BS so often, for the longest time i thought, oh she's knows she's lying and doesn't want to admit it but now after conducting tests i have come to the conclusion she is not lying!!!, she actually believes the crap she says! No matter how easily proven false it is, even presented with reality and being told this is reality, its like she sees something else, it's so so weird, i have to fight to stop myself pointing out the obvious weak points in her stories. I now come to understand Donald trump better from living with her. So many times she professes to know more about a field from some googling than the scientists who actually have worked in the field for years. So much hubris. So much unearthly self belief in herself. Perfect dunning kruger specimen

So Why am i still here?
Well i still like her, i still think i can change her :) even still, though i know it's not gonna happen, i see a lot of myself in her, yes i've never been so extreme, and I'm now more aware of these flaws in myself, she actually makes me try and improve myself, which is good.
Also i like Barcelona, and speaking Catalan, learning some Spanish also is beneficial, i like knowledge.
Also seeing parts of the countryside that i haven't seen it's also cool.
And most important she is my twin, we are soooo similar, yes i know this sounds bad but hey that's part of the reason i love her

So what say thee

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ZombieCPA says:

Mar '19
Cut your losses.

DerTables says:

Mar '19
You can't change people unless you break them first, and do you really want to be with a woman you broke? I'm with Zombie, cut and run before a drunken passionate night becomes her ticket to perminance in your life.


Mar '19
If you're already having these thoughts after 2+ months, I hate to say it but BAIL is probably your best option. Nobody ever changes unless they want to.

sfpx says:

Mar '19
You're smarter than this.

It will get worse. Mark my words.

zed says:

Mar '19
Yeah thanks, i should be smarter
Doesn't fucking stop be crying now in the hills in Badalona. We go to gran Canaria next week, now I'm thinking about. Fuck it all, she's a cunt. The worst thing is, after me she will be with another guy before the weekend, this great love was a great nothing. I'm not a person that can go from person a to person b.
Fuck it. I have to do it

Tommix says:
#10, Reply to #5

Mar '19
Ouch. Dude. I hate situations like this, and decisions like this.

She really doesn't sound like such a great person though. If you can see that now, when you should probably still be in that stage when you just see her as your soul mate, and as your vision of absolute heaven on Earth, then just imagine how you would see her in a few months when you hypothetically get into some kind of routine life together. It sounds like she's probably a bitch of staggering proportions. Maybe you shoould just run for your life.

You can always follow Mira Sorvino and Tushka Bergen on Twitter, as I do. They were both in the movie Barcelona (1994), so they can remind you of the good times you must have had there. Maybe you could also pick up a copy of Vicky Cristina Barcelona in some hard copy format, if you can find one.

zed says:
#11, Reply to #10

Mar '19
hey thank mate, this post actually made me cry a bit\
chur bay

>> It sounds like she's probably a bitch of staggering proportions. >Maybe you shoould just run for your life.

Tommix says:
#12, Reply to #11

Mar '19
no wait, shit, I didn't mean to make anybody cry. But, just think about it: when you first meet a girl you have a good connection with, there should be a long time when all you can see is how perfect she is, how wonderful, how much you have in common, how she understands you perfectly before you have even finished a sentence, how dead on her sense of humor is, yadda yadda yadda. That's what being in love is supposed to be like.

What you are describing does NOT sound like that. So, don't cry, but maybe yell "yikes" and run away.

Gymnopedie says:

Mar '19 *
When these contemplative moments pop up, I like to sit on the dock of the bay. Ill be sittin there in the morning sun and I'll be sittin' when the evening comes. Watchin' the ships roll in - just wastin' time.

zed says:
#7, Reply to #6

Mar '19
yeah really?
thats a great comfort now to me

Gymnopedie says:
#8, Reply to #7

Mar '19
It is a good way to disconnect. All my troubles go away.

zed says:
#9, Reply to #8

Mar '19
OK ta
sorry mate, I may be a bnit negative ATM
though disconnection is something I often do and dream about

Znep27 says:
#13, Reply to #6

Mar '19
Do you end it by chasing away a flock of seagulls?

Gymnopedie says:
#15, Reply to #13

Mar '19
I make friends with them. I give them some of my ice-cream.

DerTables says:
#23, Reply to #6

Mar '19
I almost picked Ottis in the draft.

Gymnopedie says:
#24, Reply to #23

Mar '19
Legend. He was only 26 when he died. The career he could have had. That is one of the songs i continually listen to, it makes me want quit my job and just chill. You have good taste.

DerTables says:
#25, Reply to #24

Mar '19
Why thank you. I got into him and Fats Domino and Chubby Checker about 7 or 8 years ago.

Gymnopedie says:
#26, Reply to #25

Mar '19
I like those. I am currently listening to James Taylor, Fire and Rain is terrific. Also listening to Karen Carpenter and John Denver (great voices!). I know these artists are not to everyone's taste on T.E, but i like them.

DerTables says:
#27, Reply to #26

Mar '19
John Denver is one of my all time favorite artists. Rocky Mountian High gets me everytime

Gymnopedie says:
#28, Reply to #27

Mar '19
I agree. He had a lot of good stuff. Annie's Song would be my favorite.


@ am
You have reached the end of Trash Epics.