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Jan 24
Cigarette Burns by John Carpenter
Imprint by Takashi Miike
Pelts by Dario Argento

Sick Girl by Lucky McKee
The Black Cat by Stuart Gordon

Box_a_Hair says:

Jan 24
I've only seen a few of them and I can barely remember them. I see it's on Tubi though, so I may watch some.

Tommix says:
#5, Reply to #1

Jan 24
Thanks for the heads up, that these are on Tubi.


Jan 24
It's hit or miss IMO. Some great eps, some good, some decent and a few rubbish. I have a lot of the better on DVD. I'm rewatching Imprint now and even by Miike standards, it's really disturbing and brutal.

Ballz says:

Jan 24 *
I also haven't seen all of them and barely remember the ones I saw except for Cigarette Burns, the only episode I watched more than once. It'd probably be in my top 3 and it's an improvement over most of Carpenter's later movies. I liked it more than his other episode too, Pro-Life.

#8, Reply to #3

Jan 25 *
I didn't like Pro-Life. Bought it on DVD, watched it once and sold it in a bundle. I think Cigarette Burns is the last great thing Carpenter did.

Tommix says:

Jan 24
Ohhh this is cool, to find out that these are on Tubi right now. I am going to watch some episodes. I remember a couple of Fear Itself episodes, but I'm not sure about Masters of Horror. I'll get back to you.

Tommix says:

Jan 24
I just started watching The Screwfly Solution. I read the short story that it is based upon, years ago. Sometimes I think of it when various abrtion-related topics are in the news in the US. A war on women, etc, you know what I mean.

#9, Reply to #6

Jan 25
I own it but haven't watched it in a long time. Perhaps I'll watch it tonight. Recall it being a borderline decent/good ep.

Tommix says:
#11, Reply to #9

Jan 25
That episode is based on the short story The Screwfly Solution, written by this lady. James Tiptree Jr. is just one of the pseudonyms she used. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/James_Tiptree_Jr.

I am pretty sure I have done posts here, or possibly on our old IMDB message board, about other stories by this author. One that I like a lot is The Man Who Walked Home, about a time traveller who accidentally causes a nuclear cataclysm (that was barely a spoiler at all, it happens right at the beginning of the story).

She also wrote The Girl Who Was Plugged In, which is pretty horrifying in a whole bunch of ways. It is set in a future dystopia that actually has a lot in common with the way our world is shaping up to be like. It's sort of like Rollerball, I guess, just in the sense of the setting... They way she portrays the elites in that story is really disturbing and chilling. It just feels like she is talking like actual people and families that she knew, people who, in our world today, might be in the news for a few days every year during Davos, but otherwise try to keep a low profile.

She might have really known what she was writing about, on the topic of global elites forming and deforming societies. She worked for the CIA for a while... Wikipedia doesn't go into this too much, but I remember reading somewhere about her attending high level CIA meetings where she interacted with serious, major league, international economic movers and shakers.

#10, Reply to #6

Jan 25
You should check out Dreams in the Witch House by Stuart Gordon next, you'll love that ep IMO.

zed says:

Jan 24
Cigarette Burns is brilliant
but I'm pretty sure I aint seen them all, will have to put them on my too watch list

zed says:
#14, Reply to #7

Jan 25
oddly I have seen few (at least rated few)
I think something is wrong cause I remember renting the vids at 2 episodes per CD, but now I look I only rated 4, not the first time I didnt rate shit. Actually quite common

#15, Reply to #14

Jan 25
Mate, do yourself a favor...find Imprint and watch, you won't be disappointed. Billy Drago in the lead overacts and is a bit ridiculous but I believe Miike did this intentionally as a form of comic relief due to the subject matter being so controversial. It actually adds to the flavor IMO. Even though the show is part of the series, it never aired on Showtime cable cause execs said it was too fuctup. You had to buy it on DVD at the time to see it .

zed says:
#17, Reply to #15

Jan 26
I think I have seen them all (They were on dvd in the videorental place) there used to be 2 episodes per DVD.
I just didn't rate them on IMDB at the time

jimb14red says:

Jan 25 *
Dear Woman

HM: Imprint, Cigarette Burns, Dreams in the Witchhouse


Jan 25
Big John Landis fan...I own Family but not Deer Woman.

#16, Reply to #13

Jan 25
Yeah gonna do a rewatch of Dreams in the Witch House and maybe Jennifer tonight.

zed says:
#18, Reply to #13

Jan 27
Watched deer woman the other night, I think I'll stick that in the top 3

#19, Reply to #18

Jan 27
I'm not a huge comedy guy but John Landis comedies that I grew up with like Animal House, Blues Brothers, Trading Places, Spies Like Us and The 3 Amigos...fn gold. His horror comedies like An American Werewolf in London, Innocent Blood and Burke and Hare...fried gold.

zed says:
#20, Reply to #19

Jan 27 *
blues brothers is one of those films ive seen 3-4 times even though i hate it.
back in the day one didnt have much choice, though i supppose i could choose not to watch

I like on Vic Morrows wiki page
"Died in an on-set accident during filming(final film role) "

What the FUCK!
he didn't star in any more films after dying on set, surely his agent could've gotten a weekend at bernies role, what a terrible agent


@ am
You have reached the end of Trash Epics.