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Dec 12 *
I'm talking live action. I remember going to a double feature on a nursery/pre school trip to see Bambi/101 Dalmatians. I'm not counting that...I hated Disney back then as much as I do now. Fuck that rat, that duck...Goofy was alright I guess. I always preferred Looney Toons or Woody Woodpecker as a child. So here are my 1st 5...

Star Wars (1977)
Superman (1978)
Jaws 2 (1978)
The Empire Strikes Back (1980)
Superman II (1980)

...so do you remember yours? If so list them...no judgments cause you were a child and taken to see them probably by a family member.

Tromafreak says:

Dec 12 *
The first live-action movie I remember seeing in the theater was Masters of the Universe (1987), which was fuckin' lame and a little confusing.

I remember seeing a re-release of Song Of The South, 101 Dalmations and My Little Pony: The Movie, which was apparently before that, but you said live-action only...

After 1987's Masters Of The Universe, the next movie I remember seeing would be Big Top Pee Wee and Ernest Saves Christmas from '88, and I know I saw Bill And Ted's Excellent Adventure and Young Einstein in '89. I'm sure I'm missing some in between, but am confident Masters Of The Universe was first.

markus-san says:

Dec 12 *
I honestly don't remember many, don't think my parents took me that often. Return of the Jedi is the only one I can say for certain as my dad often reminds me how I looked when Darth Vader first came on the big screen. I guess I would've been 6 or 7.

Pretty sure I saw Bambi too.

What I do remember is somehow getting into Reservoir Dogs at the age of 16 when it was rated 18. Guess they were pretty lax at ID checks.

Box_a_Hair says:

Dec 12
My childhood memories are fleeting, so I can't remember 5, but I do remember some:

The Flintstones - saw this at a drive-in, so I remember the experience more than the movie.

True Lies - my dad is an Arnold fan, so that made this my first R-rated venture. Not that this movie is any more intense than most PG-13 movies, but it's still a great movie.

Forrest Gump - I'm not sure how I fared in the theater for it, but I remember heading back to the car after as my family discussed it. emoticon

I guess my earliest theater memories only go as far back as 1994.

#4, Reply to #3

Dec 12
I remember seeing a few films at the drive-in. The closest one to me now is like over 2 hrs away in Connecticut. I remember seeing Superman when I was a lil kid at a drive-in and I believe the last film I saw at a drive-in was Terminator 2: Judgement Day in 1991.

Znep27 says:

Dec 12
I wish I could remember. The earliest movie I can remember seeing in theaters is Oliver & Company (1988), and the earliest live action is The NeverEnding Story II: The Next Chapter (1990). But I can't say with any certainty that these were the actual firsts.

zed says:

Dec 12
not sure, whatg I remember is

Star wars (2x which I pissed about at the time)


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