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Oct '22 *
So I rewatched this for the first time in a long time. I was never a big fan of it but I never understood the hate for it at the same time. I think I do now in retrospect. The first half of the film isn't terrible imo, the cutoff point where it really goes downhill for me is after Michael escapes and kills Ken Foree in the rest stop bathroom stall. I am a big fan of McDowell and Dourif but they're wasted here. Sheri Moon is terrible and grating per usual. I recall liking 2 the Directors Cut better than the first as long as you ignored Sheri Moon and those ridiculous white horse scenes. Any thoughts?

Box_a_Hair says:

Oct '22
A lot of people defend the first half of the film, which I thought was atrocious. The fact that they spend half of the movie trying to explain Michael is asinine, especially when they don't offer anything you couldn't simply assume about his tenure there in the first place. They decided to make Michael and angry asshole kid with mommy issues who acts like a bitch because he was bullied? It's a complete misunderstanding of the source material.

I only started to enjoy the movie once he got out and it began to emulate the original more. I do agree that the scene where Foree dies is lame, but only because I think Foree should've put up more of a fight. Joe Grizzly should've been the main star of the film and it would have turned out fantastic. How about instead of any of that, he talks a big game and then gets his arm bashed against the stall a thousand times until he drops the knife, then bleeds out without getting any of it on his coveralls? Yeah, that's a great idea.

The new trilogy is sprinkled with references to previous movies. In 2018, Michael bashes a guy's head against the stall a half dozen times so he can get it open, and that was a much more effective scene.

I don't recall a lot of differences between the two cuts, but I know the escape sequence is different. Theatrical features Bill Moseley, director's cut features rednecks raping an inmate, which is out of place for a Halloween movie. RZ should've tried making his own slasher film instead of fucking with an established franchise and it might have worked. As a Halloween movie, it's annoying as fuck.

#4, Reply to #1

Oct '22
I gotta blame Akkad and Weinstein for giving RZ full creative control but I agree to an extent. RZ was riding high off of The Devil's Rejects so at the time I can see why they did. I just rewatched both and I can still say I like the sequel better than the first but I liked them both better before this rewatch. After these 2 films he made Lords of Salem which I liked much better and I believed a return to form...gonna rewatch that soon and see if my opinion has changed with time on that one as well.

Znep27 says:

Oct '22
I don't understand how child Michael Myers was a little shrimp of a kid, but then ended up being 7 feet tall.

Box_a_Hair says:
#3, Reply to #2

Oct '22
Another thing RZ didn't understand about the character: his ability to blend in with a crowd, because he was supposed to be a normal fucking human and not a giant.

There was a bit of a height change in the new trilogy too. James Jude is 6'3" while Nick Castle is 5'10", so Michael grew another 5 inches between '78 and '18. But it led to an interesting bit in Ends since Corey is more reminiscent of Michael's original height. He's actually 5'9" (same as Dick Warlock), so I got Halloween 2 vibes from all of his masked scenes.

#6, Reply to #3

Oct '22
I understand your passion cause you're an uber fan of the new installments. I on the other hand am not... while I enjoyed 2018 enough to want to watch it a second time, I did not considering Kills. I guess I'll eventually get around to Ends but honestly I'm not in any kind of rush.

#5, Reply to #2

Oct '22
Strong point.

jimb14red says:

Oct '22 *
I think the complete opposite. The first half of the film is my least favorite half of a movie I have ever seen. The second half was still bad but not worst movie I have ever seen bad. I actually kind of like part 2.

#8, Reply to #7

Oct '22
Honestly I never really thought much of the film...I respected how he tried to make it his own but believe somewhere around mid point he lost his way. I always thought H2 was better by far. It's a pretty brutal flick and has some good social commentary underlying imo. That being said now revisiting them I don't believe they've aged well. Here I had RZ H1 rated 3/5 which I now have dropped to a 2/5 and H2 which I had at a 4/5 I have now dropped to a 3/5.

Tromafreak says:

Oct '22
It's not that bad. I hate the fact that someone decided a remake MUST happen cuz "it's the mid-2000's and that's just what we do now", basicallly ending the original series. Although much like with this new one, it's hard to realisticallly bitch about it too much when Halloween 4,5,6,7 and 8 exists.

Box_a_Hair says:
#10, Reply to #9

Oct '22
The remake trend has gone down a bit though. They realized that fans hate it when you try to replace their fave movies, hence the rise of the legacy sequels. There are still a few pointless remakes like Terror Train, which is almost the exact same fucking movie, but at least they've slowed down a bit.

#11, Reply to #9

Oct '22
I was never a remake fan especially of the mid 2000s. I still haven't seen a lot of those films for instance, I never saw the Black Xmas or Last House on the Left remakes. I thought I would watch em for the Challenge this year but keep pushing them off. Off the top of my head the only remake I thought was any good from that period was The Hills Have Eyes. Later Maniac (2012) and The Town that Dreaded Sundown (2013). Remakes like ANOES and F13th were outright unwatchable imo.

I thought after rewatching the 2 RZ Halloween films my adjustment of 4/10 and 6/10 respectively seem better than 6/10 and 8/10. Maybe I could give the first a 5/10. As for the original series I would say I'm a fan of the first 4...I could do without the rest. Resurrection was so bad it killed the franchise, they had nowhere to go but reboot if they wanted to continue to profit from the franchise imo.


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