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Jun '17
This is how I approach it...

How about you?

Gymnopedie says:

Jun '17 *
I haven't rated anything here yet. I guess I should..I guess i haven't the moativation. There is just so many to rate. If there were some way to import your IMDb ratings here then that would be cool.

#2, Reply to #1

Jun '17
Should get to work then, we need a solid database here.

Box_a_Hair says:
#10, Reply to #1

Jun '17
Theoretically, you could import them. There wouldn't be a streamlined way to do it, but if you get me a list, I might be able to build a parser to auto rate stuff for you.

Gymnopedie says:
#11, Reply to #10

Jun '17
No, it's fine, Box. emoticon I was just remarking cause I am a completist by nature and if I rated 10 I would have to rate a thousand! emoticon

foz says:
#19, Reply to #11

Jun '17
just added Rhythm of a Crime in an attempt to lure you into starting the rating process... there are various ways of looking through the database here, inc sorting films by ID which makes it easy to keep up with recently added titles.

plus, if your spreadsheet movie data collating labour of love from a few weeks ago is anything to go by, you'll soon get into the rating task...

Gymnopedie says:
#24, Reply to #19

Jun '17
Foz, you have taken me out of my rabbit hole! Your enthusiasm has persuaded me to start rating. I guess no time like the present...I can also add some movies that I don't think anybody has heard about. Just by thinking it through there now - you have replenished by moativation! emoticon

foz says:
#35, Reply to #24

Jun '17 *
Woohoo! good man.

decided to watch films that have recently been mentioned here - just finished Beyond the Gates, will move onto Raw Meat (or Death Train as my copy claims to be***edit Death Line!***) which i think you n Box mentioned in the shoutbox last week

incidentally have you seen 'Kiss of the Damned' 2012, vampire flick with Josรฉphine de La Baume? wondering if it's worth a watch, if just for her...

Gymnopedie says:
#40, Reply to #35

Jun '17 *
I haven't. I have read up about it there and it does seem like the sort of horror i would like, a horror-drama with a very human story. You know my tastes better than i do, Foz!

For what it is worth I have seen a similar sounding title, in Dance of the Damned (1989). Good film that.

Gymnopedie says:
#53, Reply to #35

Jun '17
Foz, what you think of Raw Meat (1972) ?

foz says:
#54, Reply to #53

Jun '17
enjoyed it, did not expect it to be a comedy, but Pleasance was great as the tea loving, bag hating cynical cokernee copper! some scenes dragged a little, and it's certainly of it's time but has undeniable charm. could moan about some of the support cast, or dodgy gore effects, but that would be nitpicking. liked it enough to rec for horror fans, esp those of 70s London, wonder if Landis was influenced for his underground scene...

Gymnopedie says:
#55, Reply to #54

Jun '17
I don't know, Foz, I just felt it dragged in places. It felt like the best moments were few and far between. I thought i would have liked it better from the outset, unfortunately not. I gave it a 5.

Johan_WoW says:
#56, Reply to #55

Jun '17 *
Pretty much the same I feel about the movie. The moments you see the creature (s) in the underground that gives a sense of dread even though you pretty much had to guess what it was all about. Scenes with Pleasance were slow and boring, not interesting IMO. Also the whole story of being trapped for so long and never been found I thought was too far fetched to be believable. Had it been real monsters ok but they were people. It's rather strange they forget how to act human and cannot pass that to their children. Also if they knew a way out they surely could have attemped to integrate in society again IMO.

I think Spider baby did a mch better job with this inbred lunatic family angle.

#47, Reply to #10

Jun '17
Sorry Box I somehow missed this post lastnite. I've already rated over 1100 films here and I wasn't really unhappy with TE's 1-5 system but was interested in how people here adjusted to it. Fuck IMDB...I deleted my account in March.

OnyxHades says:

Jun '17 *
Pretty much the way you have listed. I tend to rate movies based only on my level of enjoyment I get from them. It could be a perfectly shot movie, but still get a 1 from me.

#4, Reply to #3

Jun '17
If I didn't care for a film but was well acted and/or the cinematography was exceptional I might bump it from a 2 to a 3.

OnyxHades says:
#5, Reply to #4

Jun '17
I just can't do it emoticon.

markus-san says:
#16, Reply to #4

Jun '17 *
Me too.. there has to be some level of objectivity when rating films for me. I thoroughly hated the movie Crash (2004) but accepted the performances, cinematography and direction were all good, so instead of a 1, I rated it 3..

Tromafreak says:

Jun '17
I never thought much about it. I do find myself giving out far more 5/5s than I did 10/10s on IMDb. But I still prefer the 1-10 rating system.

#8, Reply to #6

Jun '17
Agree with having a 10 point system would be better but we work with what we have. I was never a 10/10 guy on IMDb. Before Lep had me self delete instead of being wiped I had voted over 4000 films/series and if I had given 25 10/10's, it was a lot.

Tromafreak says:
#14, Reply to #8

Jun '17
Did Lep/Dorian tell you he was going to report you until you were wiped? He's full of shit. Always thought that was weird that you did that and then "Vinny" popped up. I never even considered that that was you. Figured it was a fake, and the real you had just got tired of message board bullshit.


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You have reached the end of Trash Epics.