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May '19
Anybody watch Netflix's new biopic "Extremely Wicked, Shockingly Evil and Vile"? It's based on a book, for those participating in this month's challenge, and it's a pretty interesting look into the mind of Ted Bundy, one of America's most infamous serial killers.

I'm not very knowledgable about the man except for his reputation, but this movie covers that prominent era of his life, yet it does so in a rather unconventional way. Ted Bundy is a serial killer, but this movie chooses not to focus on any of the actual murders. Sounds like a jip, but it ends up being a somewhat fascinating character study on the man and how his actions have affected the media and those who he'd had forrmer relations with.

Efron kills it as Bundy. No pun intended. Besides being a sexy stud, Efron has charisma, which is a prerequisite in playing a character that was known to be rather normal, and even somewhat charming fellow. And as far as the movie goes, he seems that way. Normal, but with something definitely off about him.

Pretty good flick, also featuring John Malkovich as a courtroom judge, Haley Joel Osmond as Bundy's ex's love interest, Jeffrey Donovan from Burn Notice, that nerd Jim Parsons from Big Bang Theory, and what do you know! It even has James Hetfield from Metallica! So yeah, it's a pretty good cast, good production values, et cetera. Check it out.

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Bambithedeer says:

May '19
I loved every minute of it! This was my first time seeing Zac Efron in a serious film and he was amazing! He gave me chills down my spine. The way he portrayed Bundy really made me think for a second he didn’t do it! He was very convincing.
He was also very handsome, to see the girls comment on the tv reports and be on his side shocked me! It’s a shame he went the wrong path, bc to me he seemed extremely smart! I was kind of sad they didn’t show the execution 😬 but I get why they didn’t lol.
Overall, I was very impressed by how it came out, and I loved getting to see his point of view, and how he did what he did!

markus-san says:

May '19
I would love to sit down and watch this on Netflix this week, except I live in the UK unfortunately and they've decided not to release it over here.

DerTables says:
#4, Reply to #2

May '19
If you want I could download it to my netflix profile and you could log into it and watch it.

markus-san says:
#6, Reply to #4

May '19
Thanks for offering, but I am cool with waiting a while. Hopefully Netflix will add it here at some point in the near future. I watched the documentary so it doesn't really make sense but anyhow..

foz says:
#9, Reply to #6

May '19
if you torrent it's widely availible on all good dogy pirate sites. i have the same issue with netflix & shudder, the US libraries are around 5 times the size (due to rights issues presumably) and we tend to get releases months later. occasionally it's the other way around - we got The Ritual first.

Tommix says:

May '19
Jeremy Renner was in a biopic about Jeffrey Dahmer, in the early 2000s. Your description of this makes me think of it, because somehow they did it in such a way that I felt sort of sympathetic to Dahmer at times. Like, there's a scene where his father is going through a suitcase or something of his, and watching it you're like "oh no! I hope he doesn't find the severed head! Poor Jeffrey would be sooooo busted!!!" That kind of thing. I think it does show a murder or two, but it is mostly about portraying Dahmer as a relatively regular guy. They show that he was gay, but... I can't explain it, it's just interesting how they did it.

DerTables says:

May '19 *
I planned to do my own, long, write up on this. I haven't been sucked into a movie like this in a long time. We all know the story of wicked old Ted Bundy, but the way this movie tells his story is amazing. Now you need to look past the historical inaccuracies, but other than that this is amazing.

Honestly, I think it affected me in the same way Rocky Horror did. I went into the movie knowing who the bad guy was, I didn't like him at first, but then Zac Ephron started to charm me. I started acting and feeling like his girlfriend and sympathizing with him. I so desperately wanted him to break out of jail and when he did, I was almost clapping, Infact if this were just a random character not based on anything, I would have been on Ted's side for the first 2/3rds of the movie! I never thought about what it was like to be dating Bundy, but I did always judge his girlfriend and those other women that fawned over him, but now I get it.

Don't get me wrong, in the last 1/3rd of the film you start to hate Ted Bundy, as we all should, but the director, at this point, more made me feel guilty. Guilty for sympathizing, guilty for cheering him on and guilty for, somewhere way in the back of my mind, still being disappointed when he is killed. This film comes dangerously close to making a monster seem like a dream boat, but that fine line is what makes this an amazing movie.

Gymnopedie says:

May '19
I have read all the books there is about Ted Bundy and I have seen all the movies too. I haven't seen this one yet. Mark Harmon' s portrayal of Bundy is the definitive and most accurate portrayal. I would doubt that will change after I see this but I hope it is decent.

Box_a_Hair says:
#8, Reply to #7

May '19
image I'll have to look into the Mark Harmon one, but the Efron does a great job. I've been hearing that there are a few inaccurate moments in this new one, but it all plays out pretty well either way.


May '19
Definitely interested to see it. My flatmate is a little serial killer obsessed and quite liked it. But she, like you, said it had almost nothing about the actual killings. Dunno about that. I'm an insensitive prick and thus prefer my serial killer biopics to as exploitative and disrespectful to the victims as possible. I mean, Bundy obviously didn't give two shits about his victims, so for a movie to really dig into his mindspace, it shouldn't care either, right?

Interesting sidepoint: The rabidly conservative, yet to this day very mainstream, viewpoint that pornography makes the viewer objectify women and see them as little more than meat and become densensitized to misogyny and seek out more extreme examples, potentially leading to real-life abuse? That all came from Bundy. That dude, an expert liar and manipulator, saw the swelling anti-pornography movement and exploited it like hell to make it his get-out-of-jail-free card. Conservative politicians, religious celebrities and prominent anti-sex feminists all jumped on his rapey boner, like pathetic little puppets, and parroted his lies, just because it's what they desperately wanted to believe. And that shit still continues to this day...
Maybe the movie covers that. I don't know.

Anywayz, cheers for the review. Will defs check it out.


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