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Accident Man

Feb 11
This is part of the recent wave of assassin-sploitation movies where everyone is an expert hitman. Based on a UK comic. Accident Man is one who makes his kills look like accidents. You can't blame someone if a tub falls on the guy, right?

Scott Adkins is a name I've been hearing more of lately. He's one of those physical actors notable for fight choreography, and as one might have guessed... these are some pretty good fight scenes. I mean, that's what we're watching these movies for, right? And is that movies, plural?

Accident Man (2018)

There's a lot of typical hitman tropes here, but we also get a pretty decent backstory of how he got into the business. His mentor is played by the late great Ray Stevenson, giving our protagonist some sort of family connection to affect his decisions throughout the movie. Basically a revenge mystery movie where our guy beats his way to the truth.

Accident Man: Hitman's Holiday (2022)

Whereas our first film is more action/crime/drama, the sequel veers into comedy. It's not distractingly different, but it is pretty funny, and it is quite trashy. Our hero is blackmailed to protect a imbecilic mark, and the assassin is someone he has a strong history with. Give it a guess who that might be.

It got a few good laughs out of me. There's also a psycho killer clown, but there are no Maltesers in Malta.



Feb 11
Hail Ray Stevenson, RIP. An actor who always gave 120% even if he knew the film he was in was a POS.


@ am
You have reached the end of Trash Epics.