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Aug '23
image I'm always on the prowl for Halloween-set horror films, and boy, are most of them rotten. Rotten like your teeth if you eat that concentrated heap of sugar known as "candy corn". Just because it's fall-colored, it's a fall thing? What if fall doesn't want it?

But this movie looks pretty dope, doesn't it? The intro credits are promising. Produced by Courtney Gains and Tony Todd. Weird combo, but I'll take it. The film begins rather competently. Good fall atmosphere, a simple score, and a quick rundown of our setting. The director is trying to channel John Carpenter.

The setup is this: bullies harrass a retarded guy who works for a midget in a traveling circus of sorts. They take things a bit too far, and then it becomes a supernatural revenge slasher.

There are hints that this movie is going to turn into a full blown b-movie. But when the killer makes his first kill... there's absolutely zero tension in the scene. Even the music is starting to sound inept and pompous. This movie fell apart real quick, and then I had to watch another hour of it.

I like Courtney Gains. He was in Poolboy, which pretty much makes him a VIP in the world of trash. Also, Hardbodies was great. Suffice to say, I want to cut him some slack here, but it's hard. His mustache is stupid, his protagonist sheriff character is worthless, and there's no stakes. All these characters are dicks with an X on their forehead. Who cares if they die? And then they throw some dramatic sad music at you in the aftermath scenes, as if the loss of these dirt bags warrants any sympathy whatsoever? Who is this movie trying to kid? Candy Corn isn't a treat. Candy Corn is a trick.

Pancho Moler does good with this weak-ass script, but he can't save this jabroni. Nor can tiny roles from Tony Todd and P.J. Soles. This movie is rotten. And worst of all, it's boring.



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