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Jul '23
There's a lot of talk about this lately. I love the idea, but the practice scares me a bit. You can see "AI" generating images and video now, and some of it is quite good. That facial recognition technology is already pretty scary, but full on AI is all the rage now? RIP John Connor. Your fate was pretty dark.

Elon Musk suggests that people and humanity is the most interesting thing in and out of our world, and his logic is to cement that mentality into the programming. That ought to eliminate most of the termination directives right off the bat.

Microsoft Bing has their "AI" or "AI-assisted" feature up and I gave that a whirl. I asked a question and it searched some stuff and pulled a best match result. Okay. So then I ask it the question "Are you happy with yourself?" and then it got offended and ended the conversation. Moody fuckers...

zed says:

Jul '23
>>Elon Musk suggests that people and humanity is the most interesting thing in and out of our world, and his logic is to cement that mentality into the programming. That ought to eliminate most of the termination directives right off the bat<<

Whilst I admire the guy, but that logically is idiotic, one just needs to look around and see humanity is not a peaceful species both in actions or in words

Box_a_Hair says:
#2, Reply to #1

Jul '23
Yeah, but we have to trick the AI into thinking otherwise, or we're fucked!


@ am
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