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Jul '23
Well, this was just announced. On July 4th, I remember telling ballz that I was surprised they haven't tried to remake/reboot RotLD yet, but they be listening!

Now, I haven't even seen part 4 & 5 since they seem to have little to do with the first 3, and they don't even have the right zombie type in there. I guess those movies killed the franchise for a while, but they're bringing it back to life. Or at least they'll try.

Is the zombie genre too lame and exhausted for this to work again? Will the comedy be too stupid? Will the movie be punk enough? Will we have another tar man?

Ballz says:

Jul '23 *
I don't think a reboot needs to be punk to work. Part 2 isn't as good as part 1, but the lack of punk isn't the problem. Some version of Tarman seems essential, as does comedy, though I agree the comedy might be too stupid like a lot of comedy is now.

You know I couldn't care less about any new zombie movie or TV show that comes along, but if they do a new RotLD that doesn't look lame and channels the style and energy of the original, I'd watch it.

Box_a_Hair says:
#2, Reply to #1

Jul '23
I'm thinking they might do some other music genre instead of punk. What do kids listen to these days? Dub step? Kanye? I also fear it might be too meta. I hope they don't overthink it.

Ballz says:
#3, Reply to #2

Jul '23 *
Instead of NotLD being based on a real event like in the original, the original will be based on a real event in the reboot. I have no idea what kids listen to now. Probably nothing we want in a zombie movie.

Znep27 says:
#4, Reply to #2

Jul '23
Kids don't listen to actual songs anymore, it's just 30 second soundbites on Tik Tok. And it's mostly emo-rap and hyper-pop.

Box_a_Hair says:
#5, Reply to #4

Jul '23
Emo-rap? Hyper-pop? Even those genre names sound awful. If they opt for that style, they can call the movie Return of the Ticking Twats. Even though they never left.

Tommix says:

Jul '23
OK, my first reaction to this is that it will almost certainly SUCK, unless maybe they try a Stranger Things approach. The 80s-ness of the original is PART of it. It can't be dispensed with. The punk stuff (both music and clothes), the nuclear missile, the idea of young people spending their free time getting hammered in a cemetery.... alll of that kind of stuff is just different now.

Of course, it was inevitable that they would try to reboot it eventually. Best case scenario, maybe they'll hand it over to Mike Flanagan, and get Grady Hendricks as a consultant? And surviving cast members from the original, also as consultants, of course. But, that will never happen, the corporate overlords won't be respectful, somehow they will mess it up.

By the way, I hope you don't waste your time watching ROtLD 4 or 5. You will only regret it, if you do. They are really nothing but a waste of time, they are not "so bad they are good," or anything like that.


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