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Apr '20 *
Inspired by my misunderstood Kevin VanHentenryck thread, I thought I'd come up with something similar but not similar enough to butthurt the easily-offended, or give ammo to someone like Gymnopedie, who already has a bug up his cunt about me. I don't know about any of you other Facebook people on here, but I find myself, more often than not, asking myself the same questions when scrolling down my newsfeed: "Wow! This person really thinks that's funny?" Wow! That's supposed to be clever?" Wow! What a self-important twat!". Ok, that last one's not a question, but seriously, fuck Facebook people and their lame sense of humor, and whatever they think is cool or meaningful, cuz it's just not. The memes posted in this thread will serve as examples of to what extent social media has turned people into braindead, attention-seeking lame asses.

And if you see anything on your own FB/social media that makes you want to drink bleach, feel free to join in on the fun!

Tromafreak says:
#103, Reply to #102

May '23
I hear ya. This is definitely not ok!

Tromafreak says:
#105, Reply to #104

May '23

Tromafreak says:
#107, Reply to #106

May '23

Tromafreak says:

Jul '23
Most likely, all they would hear is "Actually, I'm just an SJW bitch with no real problems, and thought it would be fun to randomly white knight for the gays for absolutely no reason. Teeheehee!"


Tromafreak says:

Jul '23

Tromafreak says:
#114, Reply to #111

Jul '23
I never would have figured this one out either, but I saw someone in the comments mention that Pierce Brosnon was the 6th James Bond and that burger is the 9th item on the McDonalds menu. Get it? 69? Yeah! Someone actually thought that up and found it funny enough to make this. emoticon

Tromafreak says:
#116, Reply to #115

Jul '23 *
Yeah. Apparently, somebody's out there performing and recieving oral sex with people's sisters at the same time... at night.

Tromafreak says:
#121, Reply to #120

Sep '23
Get it?

Tromafreak says:

Sep '23

Tromafreak says:

Sep '23
One guess who posted this...


Tromafreak says:

Dec '23
I don't think Kevin realizes this is a camera...


Tromafreak says:
#131, Reply to #130

Dec '23
More than ever. Self-righteous cunt goes back and forth between spewing hatred towards those who vote differently and warning everyone to not let the mainstream media and politicians make them too tribal. It's pretty amazing to watch someone act like such a clueless hypocrite from such a high horse. And the "you're either woke like me or you're an illiterate POS" memes are my favorite.

His like-minded friends absolutely lose their shit whenever I make fun of him or don't agree. I often see them venting to each other about how much they hate me, or how "ugly" I am, LoL. And sometimes they even publicly beg Kevin to block me so they don't have to see my replies anymore. What's funny is that I only reply to a small fraction of his posts. emoticon

Tromafreak says:
#133, Reply to #132

Dec '23
I'm not sure he's completely aware of how FB works. He never replies to me or seemingly anyone who doesn't agree with him. At least not directly. Occasionally, I see him reply to himself with a "Fox News is propaganda" meme, which I believe is supposed to be in response to me or someone else who has disagreed with him. Occasioanlly, he'lll post some anti-Trump meme on my page, and he's even followed me to groups and liked my posts possibly as a way to let me know he's watching me or something. Not sure what that's about, tbh. I don't think he likes me very much though.


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You have reached the end of Trash Epics.