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Fun stuff made with html, javascript, and php.

📰 Ads
Get bombarded with a bunch of shitty popups as you try to read an article.
🎤 Audiometer
Test your microphone input.
🔍 Bing Search
Search random strings on bing.com for easy reward points.
🖩 Calculator
A simple math calculator.
📷 Camera
Take snapshots and record video with a webcam or mobile phone.
🧭 Compass
Find north on a mobile device.
đŸ’ŗ Credit Card Validator
Check if a credit card number is valid.
🎲 Dice Roller
Are you a nerd? Roll the dice and role-play.
⚧ Gender Test
Are you confused about your gender? Take this in-depth test to discover who you really are.
đŸ“ŧ Home Media Cases
Custom VHS and DVD cases.
Get your daily (or monthly) horoscope.
🧈 Ken Soundboard
Be the Cinemark legend, and spout off his common catch-phrases.
🔑 Keyword Cipher
Encode and decode text with a keyword.
đŸŽĢ Lottery
Buy some numbers to TE money win weekly.
đŸ—ēī¸ Map
View a map from an external API with your current geolocation coordinates.
⚠ī¸ QR Codes
Generate and scan QR codes.
📖 Random Quote
Generate a random movie/tv quote.
📱 Sensors
Test the sensors on your device.
🔗 Short URLs
Create a short url that links to a longer one, like on bitly.com
đŸ“ĸ Soundboard
Farts, burps, and screams.
⭐ Star Wars
View the intro to Star Wars, Trash Epics style.
⏱ī¸ Timer
A simple countdown/stop-watch.
😈 Tyler Hosley Fan Site
A fan site for the white trash legend.
⌨ī¸ Typing Speed Test
How fast can you type?
⏲ī¸ Unix Timestamp
Create and decode unix timestamps.

Stats and whatnot.

Alternate ways to view Trash Epics.


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